Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Beard Papa

this reminds me of Jack Passion

I don't know about you, but I love me a good beard. I think it has to do with the fact that I can't grow one. Not that I would ever want to grow one. But to me, facial hair is indicative of MAN.

Danny has a beard. The short boxed beard shown below to be exact. And except for a few spur of the moment shaves, he has had a beard since we started dating three years ago. His beard is quite an accomplishment. Anyone who hasn't seen him since high school does a double take when we see them. Most people love it though, but there are a few "homeless" remarks along the way.


When he shaves I usually freak out quietly. Luckily by the time I stop freaking out, he has enough scruff to be labeled as a beard anyway. Claire has her preference too. She enjoys rubbing her little hands on her Daddy's beard and on the rare occasion it is missing, she goes running looking for a new daddy. Ha! just kidding.

How do you guys feel? Is facial hair in or out for you?

A moustache is almost as good as a beard! Don't forget to check out Movember. It's for a good cause! :)


  1. Rob would absolutely KILL for a solid, thick beard. Unfortunately, it comes in a little patchy and he is better left shaven. The popularity of beards is a bummer in our house (because it only reminds him...), but I love him just the same!
