Monday, December 3, 2012

Testing Out the Boots

This weekend was laid back, as most of our weekends are I suppose. The rain has kept us inside a bunch, but Claire and I did get out in the rain to test out her new rain boots. We live right by a big grassy area and river, so we headed out to stomp around in some puddles. The boots are a little hard for her to get used to, so we lasted about 4 minutes and then Claire was submerged in a puddle, crying, showing me her muddy hand. It was the end of the world, really. Here she is pre-fall. 
marching in the puddles was a hit

and that is the terrible, no good puddle she swam in

Since we live right next to this perfect giant mud puddle, I really want to invite some kids and their parents over to get dirty and have donuts one morning. The only thing I didn't think of was inviting them in our apartment...after they are all muddy. Maybe it will have to be an eat your donut, then jump in puddles and go home kind of morning. Sounds fun to me!

I edited these photos with Afterglow. I heard about the app from the girls at A Beautiful Mess in this post. So far it is super fun, and there are a ton of options to create a really unique look. I went really simple with these, but I have a bunch saved on my computer that have everything from circle frames to red glowing strips through the photos. Fancy!

Any other fun photo editing apps that I should try? Let me know :)


  1. Super cute photos & fun blog! :)

  2. Thanks for the recommendation on the photo editing app, I'll have to try it. As for the boots, take a picture of Clairey-Bear in the puddle next time! ;)

    1. Oh Stace I was tempted to take a picture of her when she fell in....but she was screaming so loud that I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And yes, it was the first actual puddle she stepped in. Ha! Poor girl..
